General Operating Steps of SO2 Gas Analyzer

General Operating Steps of SO2 Gas Analyzer

1. What is sulfur dioxide? What is a SO2 gas analyzer?

Sulfur dioxide (chemical formula SO2) is the most common, simplest, and irritating sulfur oxide. One of the major air pollutants. The gas is ejected during volcanic eruptions, and sulfur dioxide is also produced in many industrial processes. Since coal and oil usually contain elemental sulfur, sulfur dioxide is formed when burned. When sulfur dioxide dissolves in water, sulfurous acid is formed. If sulfurous acid is further oxidized in the presence of PM2.5, sulfuric acid (the main component of acid rain) will be formed quickly and efficiently. SO2 gas analyzer refers to an instrument that continuously and automatically measures sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere, which is an air pollution analyzer. Commonly used detection methods include solution conductivity method, flame photometry, coulometric method (coulometric method) and ultraviolet fluorescence method.

2. Operation steps of SO2 gas analyzer

(1) Before installing the instrument, check the table, power supply, and space on the table to be installed to ensure that the table is firm and reliable, the power supply voltage is stable, and the space is sufficient. After placing the main unit of the instrument in place, operate according to the following steps in sequence.

(2) After the sampling equipment, SO2 gas analyzer and recorder are properly installed, first check the piping system and other equipment to make sure that there is no error and no gas leakage before the inspection work.

(3) Set operating conditions;

(4) Two-point inspection of zero-point/full-scale, if the zero-point offset exceeds ±4ppb or 80% of the upper limit concentration of full-scale offset exceeds ±3%, it must be re-calibrated.

(5) Carry out sample gas sampling and analysis.

(6) After confirming that the sample gas analysis is correct, conduct formal gas collection, storage, and analysis.

If you encounter any problems of the SO2 gas analyzer during operation, please contact professional technicians for consultation.

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